Local Wild Plant Profile: Wild Garlic
July 02, 2013
Wild Garlic (allium vineale) is a commonly found plant throughout Michigan. It is commonly found growing in full sun in fields and along roadsides. Wild Garlic is also frequently known as Crow Garlic. It is distinguished by its strong onion/garlic…
July Political Prisoner Birthdays Poster
July 02, 2013
July 2013 Political Prisoners Birthday posterThe July 2013 political prisoners birthday poster from the Chapel Hill Prison Books Collective is out now. Please take a moment to write a card and/or letter to let our comrades in prison know that they…
Local Wild Plant Profile: Asparagus
June 30, 2013
Wild asparagus (asparagus officinialis) can be found throughout West Michigan along roadsides, in fields, and along fence rows. Wild asparagus tends to have a bit sweeter taste than cultivated asparagus. Asparagus is best harvested in the spring, but…
Poster: Destroy Prison Society
June 26, 2013
We’ve created a new poster calling for the destruction of prison society. It’s designed to provide a basic introduction to the concept of “prison society.” The image is below and it is also available as a PDF: Poster: Destroy Prison Society The full…
Fifth Estate #389 Out Now
June 19, 2013
Fifth Estate #389The new issue of Fifth Estate*—*the long-running anarchist publication from Michigan—is out now. The table of contents is printed below and if you are interested, please consider a subscription to support anarchist publishing. Also…