
Fifth Estate #392 – “Art & Anarchy”

October 15, 2014

The Fall/Winter 2014 issue of the Michigan-based Fifth Estate is out now. This issue features: Letters Welcome to the Idiocene Max Cafard Logistical Anarchism Jeff Shantz VR Troopers Jason Rodgers Seattle’s Left Bank Books Sylvie Kashdan Anarchist…


Fundraising Call for New Crimethinc Primer

October 11, 2014

Over the years, we’ve always appreciated the work that Crimethinc has done in terms of spreading anarchist ideas. We have used their “Fighting For Our Lives” primer as a basic introduction to anarchy while tabling, at protests, and other events and…


New Zines in Our Distro Catalog

September 30, 2014

We’ve added some new titles to our distro catalog, check out the links below. Additionally, we’ve started to add screen reading versions of the zines (where possible) to our site. As always, you can order these zines from us via our online store or…