“To Change Everything” Tour in Grand Rapids
September 01, 2015
The Promise of Anarchism: An International Panel Discussion September 25, 2015 7:00pm The Tanglefoot Building 314 Straight Ave SW Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Climate change, economic crisis, unrest from Baltimore to Brazil: the prevailing order is…
Support Zine for Anarchist Prisoner Eric King
August 31, 2015
We recently received word of a new zine called “Battle Tested: Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoner Eric King.” The zine collects various essays, statements, and poems by Eric King, a vegan anarchist who is currently facing life in prison. King is…
New Site: It’s Going Down
July 27, 2015
Over the past month or so, we’ve been very excited about a new anarchist news and counter-information website covering North America called “It’s Going Down.” The site explains its goals as: “We are a network of friends and comrades across The States…
New Zines in Our Catalog
July 27, 2015
We’ve added a few new zines to our catalog: Who Needs the NSA when we have Facebook? – We recently received a copy of this zine from the folks at Burn Pile Press. It’s an excellent critique of Facebook and social networking websites more generally…
Fifth Estate #394 Out Now
July 02, 2015
fe-394-1-coverThe newest issued of the long-running and Michigan-based anarchist magazine Fifth Estate has been published. The Summer 2015 issue’s theme is “Vietnam: A War of Lies.” It features the following content: Fifth Estate celebrates 50th year…