Distroist Society and its Future

- Published:Unknown
- Added to Catalog: 2023
- Pages: 16
- Size: 8.5 x 5.5
- Publisher: Filler PGH
- Print Version: Download
This is a short guide to starting a zine distro. It covers where to get zines online to print, offers suggestions on where to table and even offers suggestions for picking a distro name. It has a somewhat tongue-and-cheek tone throughout but it does a good job of conveying the basics for those who don’t know where to start.
Distroism at its core is the act of distributing radical literature and other fun things like that. It’s also the embodiment of the wider spirit of ungovernability.
Zines are in PDF format. Choose imposed for printing and reading for reading on your device.
The files are are also mirrored on Archive.org, a service that does not log IP addresses. You can download the print version or from Archive.org.
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