Organizing Zines
"These zines cover the broad topic of organizing. They offer some suggestions on how anarchists can come together to create anarchy. Topics covered included affinity groups, opening anarchist spaces, squatting, starting reading groups, collectives, and more."
9 Theses on Insurgency
A World Without Police
Affinity Groups: Essential Building Blocks of Anarchist Organization
After We Have Burnt Everything
Against Assemblies
All Your Base Are Belong To Us
Anarchism and the English Language
Anarchist Study Groups
Anarchist Tactics at Standing Rock
Anarchy & Alcohol
Anti-Mass: Methods of Organization for Collectives
Antifa Super Soldier Strength Training
Beyond Squat or Rot: Anarchist Approaches to Housing
Breaking with Consensus Reality
Build Your Own Solidarity Network
Build those Collectives
Building: A DIY Guide to Creating Spaces, Hosting Events and Fostering Radical Communities
But What About Beer?
Caught in the Web of Deception
Chasing After Ghosts
Class Struggle & Mental Health
Collective Process: Overcoming Power
Collectives: Anarchy Against The Mass
Consensus: A Brief Introductory Guide
Copwatch 101
Counter-Info: A "How-To" Guide
Critical Thinking as Anarchist Weapon
Crowbar Chronicles
Dining with Vultures
Distroist Society and its Future
Don't Just Do Nothing
Educating for Freedom
Electoral Politics are not a "Gateway Drug"
Fedizine: An Anarchist Introduction to Federated Social Media
From Movement to Space: The Anarchist Open Assemblies
Give Up Activism
How To Promote Events
How to Form an Affinity Group
How to Throw a Squatted Dance Party
Inhabit Body
Mass, The Left, And Other Walking Fossils
One Four Seven
Opening Doors: A Primer
Organizing Communities
Organizing Social Spaces as if Social Relations Matter
Ours: Occupation Guide
Point of No Return
Reading for Revolution
Seattle Logistics Zine
Shared Path, Shared Goal
Small Town Organizing for Anarchists
Some Remarks On The Need For Open Assemblies in Berlin
Squatters' Handbook: Political Squatting Tips
Talking to the Media: A Guide for Anarchists
The Illegitimacy of Violence, the Violence of Legitimacy
The Really, Really Free Market: Instituting the Gift Economy
The Spaces Between
Together: Booklet to Form Affinity Groups
Towards A Less Fucked Up World
What's the Non-Profit Industrial Complex and why should I care?
Whatever You Do, Don't Talk to the Police
Who are you Streaming For? Three Critiques of Livestreaming
Archived Organizing Zines
Due to their age, we no longer recommend distributing the following zines. We are keeping them online for historical reasons as some of the information may still be useful.