Blockade, Occupy, Strike Back

Blockade, Occupy, Strike Back
  • Published:2012
  • Added to Catalog: 2013
  • Pages: 24
  • Size: 5.5 x 8.5
  • Publisher: Unknown
  • Print Version: Download

Blockade, Occupy, Strike Back is a zine version of a newspaper that was distributed by anarchists during the student strikes and social conflicts in Montreal during the winter and spring of 2012. The zine is a good primer on street tactics with pieces on forming crews, occupying buildings, security awareness, and tips for participating in militant street protests. This is great for distributing to newer folks and useful for those who have been around a bit longer as well.


Zines are in PDF format. Choose imposed for printing and reading for reading on your device.

The files are are also mirrored on, a service that does not log IP addresses. You can download the print version or from

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