March Political Prisoner Birthdays Poster

March 01, 2012

March Political Prisoner Birthdays PosterThe Chapel Hill Prison Books Collective’s monthly political prisoner birthdays poster for March is out now. It would be rad if you could write these prisoners a birthday note and/or use the calendar as a basis for hosting a letter writing event.

In their monthly update, there is also some important updates on political prisoners:

First, there is an ongoing campaign to get political prisoner Russell Maroon Shoats out of solitary confinement. Please sign the online petition to get him out of solitary confinement and receive needed medical care.

Second, political Prisoner Alvaro Hernandez was recently framed on bogus weapons charges. Alvaro just released a statement to the larger political prisoner support community regarding his situation, which you can read here.

Third, Jaan Laaman, who is featured on this month’s poster, edits the excellent magazine 4StruggleMag. This magazine covers views, thoughts, and analysis from the hearts and minds of North American political prisoners and friends. Consider subscribing to help fund their prisoner subscriptions or you could download the magazine and distribute it in your community.

Lastly, on January 30th, Marie Mason released an update letting all of her supporters know how she’s doing. You can read her statement here.

March Political Prisoner Birthdays Poster was published on March 01, 2012

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