IWW Union Organizer Fired at Grand Rapids Jimmy Johns

July 09, 2011

IWW Jimmy John's Workers UnionThe Grand Rapids Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) has just passed along word that an IWW organizer was fired from a Grand Rapids Jimmy Johns restaurant for union organizing. In response, the IWW is organizing a “phone zap” in support of the fired worker:

Fellow Worker Mathew Bair was fired July 8 from a JJ in Grand Rapids for alleged costumer complaints, when the facts are that Bair never was told of any complaints and always received praise and good tips from costumers. FW Bair was fired for his membership in the IWW and we won’t go silently!

When: Saturday and Sunday July 9th and the 10th 2011 all day

What to Do: Call Owner Tom KirkPatrick. If he doesn’t answer leave a message.

Demand: That fellow worker Matthew Bair be reinstated and to continue work at Jimmy Johns. That they stop their campaign against Jimmy Johns workers organizing for a better future.

Sample Text: Hello Mr. KirkPatrick, I am calling to insist that fellow worker Matthew Bair be reinstated at Jimmy Johns. It is illegal to terminate someone for their organizing activity. Please join the consensus of working people around the nation and stop the union busting efforts against your workers.

Tom KirkPatrick

Phone: (616) 617 3773

Grand Rapids, MI

IWW Union Organizer Fired at Grand Rapids Jimmy Johns was published on July 09, 2011

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